A Review of the Field from 1973 - 2001

Richard Alan Miller, Iona Miller, and Burt Webb, ©2001
Organization for the Advancement of Knowledge, Grants Pass

ABSTRACT:  A model of the mind-brain relationship is developed in which novel biophysical principles in brain function generate a dynamic possessing attributes consistent with consciousness and free-will. The model invokes a fractal link between neurodynamical chaos and quantum uncertainty. Transactional wave collapse allows this link to be utilized predictively by the excitable cell, in a way which bypasses and complements formal computation. The formal unpredictability of the model allows mind to interact upon the brain, the predictivity of consciousness in survival strategies being selected as a trait by organismic evolution (Chris King, 2001).
The Gariaev group (1994)has proposed a theory of the DNA-wave Biocomputer.  They suggest (1)  that there are genetic "texts", similar to natural context-dependent texts in human language; (2)  that the chromosome apparatus acts simultaneously both as a source and receiver of these genetic texts, respectively decoding and encoding them; (3) the chromosome continuum acts like a dynamical holographic grating, which displays or transduces weak laser light and solitonic electro-acoustic fields.   The distribution of the character frequency in genetic texts is fractal, so the nucleotides of DNA molecules are able to form holographic pre-images of biostructures.  This process of "reading and writing" the very matter of our being manifests from the genome's associative holographic memory in conjunction with its quantum nonlocality.  Rapid transmission of genetic information and gene-expression unite the organism as holistic entity embedded in the larger Whole.  The system works as a biocomputer -- a wave biocomputer.
The quantum nonlocality of the genetic information is fundamental.  Experimental work of the Gariaev group shows how quantum nonlocality is directly related to laser radiation from chromosomes (Light), which jitterbugs its polarization plane to radiate or occlude photons.   DNA and the genome have now been identified as active "laser-like" environments.  Roughly speaking, DNA can be considered as a liquid crystal gel-like state which acts on the incoming light in the manner of a solitonic lattice.  A soliton is an ultra stable wave train which arises in the context of non-linear wave oscillation.  The DNA reading process can be modelled as a complex mechanical oscillator capable of producing solitonic wave transmissions.  DNA, modelled as a kind of  rotary pendulum can be simulated as a chain of non-linear oscillators.  Complex dynamic patterns arise when taking into account the non-linear covalent connections between nucleotides.
The same researchers suspect the ability of chromosomes to transform their own genetic-sign laser radiations into broadband genetic-sign radio waves (Sound; Audible Life Stream).  The polarizations of chromosome laser photons are connected nonlocally and coherently to polarizations of radio waves. Thus, we have an explicit physical analogue for the mystical apprehension of inner Light and the Audible Life Stream.  This is the main information channel of DNA, the same for both photons and radio waves.  Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, firstly in the acoustic domain, secondly in the electromagnetic domain -- a quantum hologram -- a translation process between acoustical and optical holograms.


Throughout history the precise nature of the Quintessence, or the Philosopher's Stone has been sought by  mankind.  The Kabbalah teaches that the physical and spiritual dimensions are intimately interwoven.  The Universe exists within ourselves, in the sense that each of us is an expression of all creation, just as each fragment of a holgramm contains the entire image from a slightly different angle.  This ancient tradition is a genuinely holographic concept of the Universe and our place in it--fully developed thousands of years before anyone had ever heard of holograms.  Yet, the true core nature of Reality and our human reality has proven elusive.  Until now...in what may be the untold story of the century.

Recent discoveries by Russian scientists Peter Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin shed tremendous light on our proposal that the human being is a transducer of universal energy and consciousness -- essentially a biocomputer.  The new feature of this research is the ability to physically demonstrate subtle fields emerging from the quantum foam or vacuum potential.  This makes the effect quantifiable and measurable -- objective.

This takes the phenomenon and subjectivity of consciousness out of the realm of quantum metaphysics and plants it firmly under the rubric of hard science.  It heralds the unification of quantum mechanical and chaotic dynamics in human consciousness.  We can now model the human bio-computer.

Poponin boldly suggests that this deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying subtle energy phenomena include many of the observed alternative healing phenomena and includes a physical theory  of consciousness.  This hypothesis is based on a precise quantitative background and combines both quantum mechanics and complexity or chaos dynamics in a startling and compelling new way.  It posits that some new field structure is being excited from the physical vacuum by an intrinsic ability which emerges through DNA.

His DNA Phantom Effect demonstrates a dynamic new field in the vacuum substructure by bombarding it with coherent laser light and coupling it to conventional electromagnetic fields.  The experimental protocols for this proceedure are rigorous, and have been reproduced in Moscow and at Stanford.

R. Miller, I. Miller, and Webb (2001) are now consulting on the project to suggest the next research directions and applications.  Miller and Webb have a long-standing background in the this field. Long before David Bohm published his Wholeness and the Implicate Order (1980) Miller and Webb published "A Holographic Concept of Reality" in Psychoenergetic Systems, ed. Stanley Krippner, Vol. 1, 1975.  55-62.  Gordon & Breach Science Publishers Ltd., Great Britain.

"Holographic Concept" was later reprinted in the book PSYCHOENERGETIC SYSTEMS, S. Krippner, editor.  c1979.  231-237.  Gordon & Breach, New York, London, Paris.  It was reprinted again in the journal Psychedelic Monographs and Essays, Vol. 5, 1992.  93-111.  Boynton Beach, FL, Tom Lyttle, Editor.

This foundational paper was followed shortly by "Embryonic Holography: An Application of the Holographic Concept of Reality", also in 1973. Presented at the Omniversal Symposium, California State College at Sonoma, Saturday, September 29, 1973.  Reprinted in Lyttle's journal Psychedelic Monographs and Essays, Vol. 6, 1993. 137-156. Miller followed this project with a proposal prepared for the government through Mankind Research Unlimited, described in a formerly unpublished, proprietary paper called "Bioluminescence, Kirlian Photography and Medical Diagnostics" (1974), which is only now seeing the light of day.

In 1993, Iona Miller published "The Holographic Paradigm and the Consciousness Restructuring Process," another application to psychotherapeutic mindbody healing. Subsequently she has published extensively on the role of complex dynamics in relationship to consciousness and process-oriented psychotherapy, through Asklepia Foundation.  A deep interest in the nature of Synergetics (Fuller, 1975), cosmic zero, the vacuum potential, or quantum foam has led her to develop innovative applications of chaos theory in consciousness studies.  She has dovetailed many of those discoveries with the reports of Mystics of their intuitive inner-plane experiences of Light and Sound (Shabd) throughout history.

Here, in this presentation, the joint work of Miller, Miller and Webb for decades comes to fruition and perhaps finds a physical proof.

The organization of any biological system is established by a complex electrodynamic field which is, in part, determined by its atomic physiochemical components and which, in part, determines the behavior and orientation of these components.  The holographic model of reality emerging from this principle provides a scientific explanation of psychoenergetic phenomena, (Miller, Webb, Dickson, 1973).

In 1973, Miller and Webb suggested bioholograms as the projectors of our material reality:

In the nuclei of each cell in the human body, the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) carries the structure of our whole body.  Not just our physical form, but also the processes that that form undergoes in terms of survival.  If all of these things are in truth locked in the DNA, how does that turn into a functioning being?

The DNA could possibly be the holographic projectors.  The DNA could be projecting a field that would be experienced by other DNA in the body.  The DNA, in a sense, could be linked together.  The DNA are also linked to their own cells that they are controlling via mechanisms of RNA transfer and enzymatic action in the cell.  We believe that it is likely that the DNA and the RNA are in communication.

Research has shown the possibility that DNA activates the motion of an RNA sphincter or iris mechanism to permit or exclude ion entrance into the cell.  If this is, in fact, true  and if the DNA controls the action of the RNA that goes to the ribosomes and other sites to create specific enzymes in the cell which causes further reaction, it is possible that the enzymes are under the control of the DNA also.

We believe that the DNA is the projector of the biohologram, both at the cellular level and at the whole-organismic level.  This means that the DNA creates a situation of a complex pattern of three-dimensional electromagnetic standing and moving wave fronts in the space that the organism occupies.  We believe that these wave fronts interact with, interpenetrate with, and interdetermine the physical substance that makes up the creature.

The biohologram has characteristic properties of affecting the DNA that occupies its specific position within the biohologram.  We believe that the nervous system constitutes a coordination mechanism that integrates DNA projections of the rest of the cells in the system.  We believe it is first and foremost a coordination mechanism.  And it aligns these cellular holograms and the linkage of the whole creature hologram.

The DNA in a particular cell is not totally active.  It has been determined that there may be as little as 1% of the DNA present in the nucleus of the cell acting as the determinant for the structure of that cell.  The nervous system, interestingly enough, has the highest percentage of operating DNA of any cell system in the body, of up to at least 10% of the DNA in the brain cells.  The neuron nuclei are most active.

We suggest that the nervous system projects a biohologram which interacts with the cellular bioholograms.  If the membrane structure of the neuron nuclei are examined closely, it will be seen that the different cavity systems that enter the outer membrane and also enter the inner membranes, will be seen to topologically be a single membrane.  So the nucleus is lacking a membrane, or the neurons are lacking a membrane in the sense that two of their membranes are topologically one membrane.

We suggest that the neurons are not actually brain cells as such.  We believe that the brain is the cell, and the neurons are like a distributed nucleus for that cell.  That makes the glial cells organelles in the giant brain-cell.  But they are also cells in their own right, much more so than neurons are.  We believe the glials are infinitely involved with the biohologram, in its projections, and its coordination.

To go further, the biohologram, projected by the brain, creates standing and moving electromagnetic wave patterns at different frequencies of the spectrum in order to effect different biochemical transformations.  There may be specific electrostatic fields, or there may be electrodynamic fields varying at various frequencies all the way up the spectrum into visible light and beyond, from low radio waves.

Another process of holography is called "acoustical holography". Acoustal holography employs sound waves to create a movement on a surface that is used as the basis for creation of an optical hologram.  So we essentially convert between a pattern of sound waves reflected off an object in space into a pattern of light waves that can reconstruct the shape of that object.  We have a transformation between two levels of vibration, two media as it were, preserving a pattern in space. (Miller and Webb, 1973).

We suggest that this happens to a much greater degree in the DNA control of our bodies.  The liver, for example, contains special function cells.  The special function of the liver cells is created by the influence of the projection of the liver pattern on the DNA in the cells in the area where the liver is created.  We are suggesting an important feedback mechanism between the activation of the DNA in a particular cellular tissue type that causes it to be that tissue type, and the biohologram being projected by the nervous system.  This is bioholography.

Returning to the recent Russian discoveries (Poponin-Gariaev), which seem to confirm the seminal discovery of Miller and Webb:

Both quantitative and qualitative data are crucial for the development of a new unified nonlinear quantum field theory which includes the physical theory of consciousness.

The DNA phantom field effect may be interpreted as a manifestation of a new physical vacuum substructure which has been previously overlooked.  It is perhaps a specific example of a more general category of electromagnetic phantom effects.

Results of the experiments described by Poponin showed that when DNA was put in a scattering chamber and bombarded with laser light a phantom was revealed, even when the DNA itself had been removed. Researchers hypothesize that some new field structure is being excited from the physical vacuum.  Its origin is related to physical DNA.  As yet, they have found no other substance which recreates or emulates the effect of the DNA molecule.  They bombard it with weak coherent laser radiation in two frequencies.  The intensity of the scattered light is measured, as well as non-linear localized excitations.

This suggests that the electromagnetic phantom effect is a more fundamental phenomenon which can be used to explain other observed phantom effects, though not to be confused with the often misinterpreted secondary emission of electrons seen in Kirlian Photography and dubbed "phantoms." [ref. R. Miller on "The Physical Mechanisms of Kirlian Photography," Psychoenergetic Systems, Stanley Krippner, ed., 1974].  Evidence suggests a relationship to the phenomena of [endogenous] bioluminescence, liquid crystals, and superconductivity, which we intend to pursue.

Bioluminescence can be considered an indicator of life activity.  It is the emission of photons of light produced when certain energized electrons drop into a lower or ground state.  A common example is the visible light (or electromagnetic radiation) generated by the firefly.  The importance of this phenomenon is seen by taking the broad view of the life process as we know it: photons from the sun excite electrons here on earth; this high energy state is transformed into high energy phosphate bonds by the process of photosynthesis; the release of the energy stored in these bonds is the fuel of life; electrons are transfered between molecules in a downward cascade fashion to lower energy states; this action produces the electric current that produces the motion that we call life. (Miller, 1974).

Entities can also luminesce at higher frequencies than the normal visual spectrum, such as in the UV or microwave region.  It has been shown that the human being is an emitter of various electromagnetic radiations.  Different emisions correspond to different body structures across the emission spectrum.  These electromagnetic radiations are of course indicative of the energy state of the organism, and can be indicative of the state of health.

Other research (Childre, 1992; Paddison, 1992; King, 2001) suggests that consciousness is non-localized in the bodymind. Joseph Chilton Peace in his latest, The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, (2001) points out that we have five neural centers or brains--and establishes that our fourth and most recently developed brain is located in the head while the fifth is located in the heart.

It is the dynamic interaction of this head brain (intellect) and heart brain (intelligence), of biology and spirit, that allows transcendence from one evolutionary place to the next.  Pearce declares we are quite literally, made to transcend.  He says, "Transcendence is our biological imperative, a state we have been moving toward for millennia."

In less scientific and more mystical terms, we emerge through self-organization from the Void and to the Void we can return for renewal and sustenance.  It is, in fact the Heart Sutra that informs us that "Form is not other than Void; Void is not other than Form."  Our human form is not other than this void, and biophysics now demonstrates this quantitatively and qualitatively.

We are more fundamentally electromagnetic, rather than chemical beings.  The void state, "cosmic zero," is the primal matrix and proportionately our most fundamental reality.  In essence, we emerge from pre-geometrically structured nothingness, and DNA is the projector of that field which sets up the stress gradients in the vacuum or quantum foam to initiate that process of embryonic holography, (Miller and Webb, 1973-93).

The quintessence of the four cosmic elements of space, time, energy and matter is Light.  In some strange way, light is the link connecting them all.  At some level, the entire electromagnetic spectrum can be considered transductions of light at various frequencies.  Poetically, we can consider matter as "frozen" light.  In much the same metaphorical sense, consciousness and our being may be also.  Mystics of all ages consider the fundamental principles of creation to be Light and Sound.  Now science may be tangibly valiadating that spiritual intuition.

The Gariaev group has proposed a theory of the DNA-wave Biocomputer.  They suggest (1)  that there are genetic "texts", similar to natural context-dependent texts in human language; (2)  that the chromosome apparatus acts simultaneously both as a source and receiver of these genetic texts, respectively decoding and encoding them; (3) the chromosome continuum acts like a dynamical holographic grating, which displays or transduces weak laser light and solitonic electro-acoustic fields. The distribution of the character frequency in genetic texts is fractal, so the nucleotides of DNA molecules are able to form holographic pre-images of biostructures.

This process of "reading and writing" the very matter of our being manifests from the genome's associative holographic memory in conjunction with its quantum nonlocality. Rapid transmission of genetic information and gene-expression unite the organism as holistic entity embedded in the larger Whole.  The system works as a biocomputer -- a wave biocomputer.

The quantum nonlocality of the genetic information is fundamental.  Experimental work of the Gariaev group shows how quantum nonlocality is directly related to laser radiation from chromosomes (Light), which jitterbugs its polarization plane to radiate or occlude photons.  The same researchers suspect the ability of chromosomes to transform their own genetic-sign laser radiations into broadband genetic-sign radio waves (Sound; Audible Life Stream).  The polarizations of chromosome laser photons are connected nonlocally and coherently to polarizations of radio waves. Thus, we have an explicit physical analogue for the mystical apprehension of inner Light and the Audible Life Stream.

The signal can be "read out" without any loss of the essential information in the form of polarized radio waves.  The liquid crystal phases of the chromosome apparatus (laser mirror analogues) can be considered a fractal environment which stores the localized photons.  This creates a coherent continuum of quantum-nonlocally distributed polarized radio wave genomic information.

The genetic wave information from DNA, recorded within the polarizations of connected photons, being quantum nonlocal, constitutes a broadband radio wave spectrum.  This spectrum is correlated by means of polarizations with the photons.  This is the main information channel of DNA, the same for both photons and radio waves.

This biocomputer memory and retrieval program features photon-laser-radiowave polarization spectroscopy.  Complex dynamics are expressed as fractal patterns at all levels of organization in nature.  And this is no exception.  The fundamental notion is, that the photon-laser-radiowave features of different objects (the Fourier-spectra of the radiowaves of crystals, water, metals, DNA, etc.) are stored for definite but varying times by means of laser mirrors, such that the "mirror spectra" concern chaotic attractors with a complex fractal dynamics, recurring in time.

This research  is the first example of a novel static storage/recording environment (laser mirrors) capable of directly recording the space-time atomic/molecular rotary dynamical behavior of objects.  It also demonstrates an essentially new type of radio signal, where the information iS encoded by polarizations of electromagnetic vectors.  This can be the basis of a new type of still or video recording, leading to a new form of cinema.

This newly detected phenomenon of quantized optical activity can be considered as the means by which an organism obtains unlimited information on its own metabolism.  Such information is read by endogenous laser radiations of chromosomes.  The chromosome, in turn, produce the regulative ("semantic") radio emission of the genome biocomputer. Semantic resonances in the biosystem's space are realized at both the wavelength level, and level of frequencies and angles of twist of the polarization modes.

A gene has a holographic memory, (which is typically distributed, associative, and nonlocal), where the holograms "are read" by electromagnetic or acoustic fields.  These carry the gene-wave information out beyond the limits of the chromosome structure.  At this and subsequent levels, the nonlocality takes on its dualistic material-wave nature, as may also be true for the holographic memory of the cerebral cortex (Pribram, 1991)

Pribram posits a neural holographic process, wherein images are reconstructed when representations in the form of distributed information systems are appropriately engaged.  These representations operate as filters or screens.  The temporary organization of cortical columns and the arrival of impulses at neuronal junctions converge from at least two sources, forming interference patterns.  These patterns are made up of classical postsynaptic potentials, coordinated with awareness.  This microstructure of slow potentials is accurately described by the equations that describe the holographic process which is also composed of interference patterns.

From this it follows that in the brain information representing input is distributed over the entire extent of the neural pattern.  In the bodymind information is also holographically distributed, each "part" having more or less information about the whole organism.  Information is fractally distributed and present in greater or lesser resolution.

A neural holographic or similar process does not mean that input information is distributed willy-nilly over the entire depth and surface of the brain.  It is confined primarily to those limited regions where reasonably stable junctional designs are initiated by the input participating in the distribution. Holographic memory processing does away with the need for keeping track of where information is stored.  The "filter," "sieve," or "screen" of holographic patterns is composed not only of the lattice of membrane macromolecules making up the synapto-dedritic net, but also of a facilitation of all tendencies toward Image formation and the initiation of certain departure patterns of nerve impulses (Pribram, 1971).

At the junctional patterns of neural activity, Image forming capacity is enhanced.  Superposition, i.e. spatial interactions among phase relationships of neighboring junctional patterns occurs, with properties akin to those of optical information processing systems -- the properties of holograms.

Chaotic dynamics are part of this image-forming process. There is order even in disorder.  There is order, manageable chaos (fractals) and unmanageable chaos.  The fractal dimension expresses the complexity of a particular fractal form.  “Fractal” comes from the Latin fractus, which mean broken or fragmented.  Fractals delineate a whole new way of thinking about structure and form -- even the forms of dis-ease, which take root organically in the body and psyche.

Like holograms, magnify a fractal again and again and more detail emerges from its infinitely embedded structure.  The same self-similar patterns repeat, over and over, no matter what level you care to examine.  You look closer and closer and still see the same form.  A single image is infinitely reiterated.  Thus, a wealth of structure emerges from simplicity.  So, too, the dis-ease process can be seen at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.  Yet, the form remains the same.  The key to this process lies in our DNA, in our genes and gene-expression.

Our understanding of the human biocomputer must be based on a new understanding of the higher forms of the DNA memory, and the chromosome apparatus, as the recording, storaging, transducing, and transmitting system for genetic information, to be consider simultaneously at the level of of matter and physical fields.

The wave-biocomputer model helps explain the apparatus of protein biosynthesis of living organisms, providing an important interpretation of the initial stages within the hierarchic chain of material and field, sign, holographic, semiotic-semantic and, and figurative encoding and deciphering of chromosome functions.  At the gene-sign continuum of any biosystem, DNA forms pre-images of biostructures and the organism as a whole as a registry of dynamical "wave copies" or "matrices", succeeding each other.  This contiuum is the measuring, calibrating field for constructing or creating any biosystem, (Gariaev).

Ernest Rossi (1999) has developed a pertinent creativity hypothesis: “Enriching life experiences that evoke psychobiological arousal with positive fascination and focused attention during creative moments of art, music, dance, drama, humor, spirituality, numinosity, awe, joy, expectation, and social rituals can evoke immediate early gene protein cascades to optimize brain growth, mindbody communication, and healing.”

“[The] psychotherapeutic approach can contribute to psychobiological arousal, enrichment and relaxation; it may be possible to help people find optimal levels of mental stimulation to facilitate actual growth in the hippocampus of their brain to encode new memory, learning and behavior...optimizing psychobiological growth and healing.”


Rossi (1999) describes a mind/body communication channel that is pertinent in that it may describe another way healing manifests from REM.  He describes how immediate-Early Genes (also called “Primary Response Genes” or third messengers) play a central role in the dynamics of waking, sleeping, dreaming, and mind-body healing at the cellular level.

There is evidence that “immediate-early genes (IEGs) function as mediators of information transduction between psychological experience, behavioral states, and gene expression.  A wide range of behavioral state-related gene expression (from relaxation, hynosis and sleep to high arousal, performance, stress and trauma) culminate in the production of new proteins or homeostasis, physical and psychosocial adaptation.”

Behavioral states modulate certain patterns of gene expression.  Interaction between the genetic and behavioral levels is a two way street.  Genes and behavior are related in cybernetic loops of mind-body communication.  How does this relate, for example, to manic depression?

A look at the systems related to IEGs, shows that they affect all the systems disrupted in bipolar disorder.  They are expressed continually in response to hormone messenger molecules mediating processes of adaptation to extracellular signals and stimuli.  Extracellular stimuli come from the outside environment, including temperature, food, sexual cues, psychosocial stress, physical trauma, and toxins.  IEGs are fundamental in the sleep-wake cycle, appetite regulation, sexual response, and reactions to stress, trauma, and toxins.

There are persistent alterations in IEG expression in the process of adaptive behavior on all levels from the sexual and emotional to the cognitive. They can transduce relatively brief signals from the environment into enduring changes in the physical structure of the developing nervous system as well as its plasticity in the form of memory and learning throughout life. If external cues can modulate cell function through regulation of gene expression, this could also be true for internal cues.

IEGs are also fundamental in the regulation of REM-on, REM-off neurons, neuronal networks that are associated with REM sleep and dreaming.  That makes them significant as molecules which can modulate mind, emotions, learning and behavior.  They influence the rhythm of the natural healing process and circadian and ultradian rhythms of the body, in general.  Ultradian rhythms are those shorter than the 24-hour circadian rhythms.

Milton Erickson discovered that his therapy sessions usually took from one and a half to two hours to come to natural closure.  Later it was discovered that this delineates the natural work cycle that is harmonious with our own internal rhythms.  IEGs modulate this process.  This ultradian time frame is related to the activation or deactivation of the expression of specific genes and can occur in a matter of hours or even minutes.

“Most arousing environmental stimuli that have been studied can induce immediate-early genes within minutes, their concentrations typically peak within fifteen to twenty minutes and their effects are usually over within an hour or two.  These time parameter IEG expressions and their ultimate translation into the formation of new proteins correspond to the parameters of a complete work cycle of mind-body communication and healing.  The changes in gene transcription and new protein formation initiated in this time frame, however, can lead to lasting changes in the central nervous system by converting short term memory to long lasting learning by the process of long term potentiation. . .the activation or deactivation of the expression of specific genes can occur in a matter of hours or even minutes.

This mechanism assesses the duration and intensity of prior waking and/or the homeostatic or executive mechanisms that bring about sleep. Sleep deprivation leads to a wide variety of psychotic and non-psychotic symptoms.  This system is also associated with the neuronal network associated with the dynamics of REM sleep.  Deprivation of REM and dreaming creates its own phenomenology.

“The study of IEGs indicates that sleep and wake, as well as synchronized and desynchronized sleep, are characterized by different genomic expressions, the level of IEGs being high during wake and low during sleep.  Such fluctuation of gene expression is not ubiquitous but occurs in certain cell populations in the brain.  Thus...IEG induction may reveal the activation of neural networks in different behavioral states.  Do the areas in which IEGs oscillate during sleep and wake subserve specific roles in the regulation of these physiological states and a general ‘resetting’ of behavioral state?  Is gene induction a clue to understanding the alternation of sleep and wake, and of REM and non-REM sleep?”

In Rossi’s Dream-Protein Hypothesis, “new experience is encoded by means of protein synthesis in brain tissue...dreaming is a  process of psychophysiological growth that involves the synthesis or modification of protein structures in the brain that serve as the organic basis for new developments in the personality...new proteins are synthesized in some brain structures associated with REM dream sleep.”

Rossi generalizes the dream-protein hypothesis, “to include all states of creativity associated with the peak periods of arousal and insight generation in psychobiologically oriented psychotherapy.”

Enriched internal and external environments leads to the growth and development of new cells.  IEG cascades lead to the formation of new proteins and neurons along with increased synapses and dendrites that encode memory and learning.  On the other hand, excessive trauma and psychosocial stress can lead to suppression of growth processes in the brain.  When psychotherapy contributes to arousal, enrichment, and relaxation it facilitates actual growth in the brain to encode new memory, learning and behavior, optimizing growth and healing.

“Communication within the neuronal networks of the brain is modulated by changes in the strengths of synaptic connections...meaning is to be found in the complex dynamic field of messenger molecules that continually bathe and contextualize the information of the neuronal networks in ever changing patterns.  Most of the sexual and stress hormones...have state dependent effects on our mental and emotional states as well as memory and learning, a constantly changing dynamical field of meaning.” (Rossi).

Now getting back to the research of the Gariaev group, we can summarize the essence of the human biocomputer.

"Thus, nonlocality can be postulated to be the key factor explaining the astonishing evolutionary achievement of multicellular biosystems.  This factor says that bioinformatic events, can be instantaneously coordinated, talking place "here and there simultaneously", and that in such situations the concept of "cause and effect" loses any sense.  This is of a great importance!  The intercellular diffusion of signal substances and of the nervous process is far too inertial for this purpose.  Even if it is conceded that intercellular transmissions take place electro-magnetically at light speeds, this would still be insufficient to explain how highly evolved, highly complex biosystems work in real time."

Gariaev asserts that quantum nonlocality and holography is indispensable to a proper explanation of such real time working.

"[T]he genes can act as quantum objects, and that, it is the phenomenon of quantum non-locality/teleportation, that ensures the organism's super cohency, information super redundancy, super knowledge, cohesion, and, as a totality or whole, the organism's integrity (viability)."

This new understanding of biocomputers, constitutes a further step in a development of computer technology in general.  And understanding that brings about a total change of the constituent basis of that technology to the figurative semantic (nonlocal) wave computer or biocompute, based on DNA memory, and the chromosome apparatus.

Quantum Holography says that DNA satisfies the principle of computer construction, since it carries a copy of itself, its own blueprint, while the mechanism engineering the DNA replication is the biophotonic electromagnetic field, while the "letters" of the genetic texts A, G, C, U are held invariant. The existence of the genetic text constitutes the classical signal process of quantum teleportation, and facilitates the quantum mechanical signal processes of both the copying of the DNA as its own blueprint, and of the construction of the organism in a massively parallel way by means of quantum teleportation.

Quantum Holography defines an admitter/absorber quantum vacuum model of quantum mechanics in terms of annihilation/creation operators [Schempp, 1993].  This implies that DNA does indeed behave like a single quantum, which induces a "hole" temporarily in the vacuum by its removal.


MECHANISMS:  Quantum Mechanisms and Complex Dynamics

A quick review of the Holographic Concept refreshes us on the basics of biophysics:

Particles found in biological processes include photons, electrons, protons, elementary ions, inorganic radicals, organic radicals, molecules, and molecular aggregates.  Photons act upon electrons by raising their energy state.  This process is called excitation.  Excited electrons can drop back to more stable energy levels and emit photons.  Electron excitation can lead to the formation of an electronic bond between molecules.  This is the traditional bond of classical chemistry.  The breaking of such bonds can, by reverse process, lead to the excitation of electrons.

In living systems the excitation of electrons by photons and the subsequent conversion of that excitation into the bond energy is called photosynthesis and is the basic builder of biological structures.  The reversal of this process is called bioluminescence.  This phenomenon is the transfer of energy from a bond to an excited electron, resulting in the emission of a photon.  It has been suggested by Szent-Gyorgyi (1957: 8) that the energetics of living creatures can be understood in terms of photosynthesis and its reversal, bioluminescence.

All cellular processes are driven by energy derived from the breaking of chemical bonds and the excitation of electrons.  Depending upon the particular environment and circumstances, the excitation of the electron can be converted in one of three ways: (1) conversion into heat and dissipation (2) translation of molecules or ions through the cell, or (3) transformation of the molecules' shapes which profoundly influences their biological reactivity.

The formation of a certain type of chemical bond known as the resonance bond (which is most easily seen in the case of the Benzene molecule) leads to a peculiar situation in which certain electrons are freed from a local or particular location in the molecule.  These are then free to travel around the entire molecule.  This means that the electrons occupy an energy shell of the whole molecule as opposed to any particular atom in the molecule.  The existence of molecular systems with mobile electrons has been found to be of profound significance in the phenomena of life.

Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, which compose 99 percent of all living systems, are among the atoms in the periodic table which form the multiple bonds most easily leading to mobile electrons.  Sulphur and phosphorus, which are extremely important for life processes, also form such multiple bonds quite easily.

All the essential biochemical substances, which perform the fundamental functions of living matter, are composed completely or partially of such mobile electrons.  Molecules which contain these electrons are known as conjugated systems (Pullman and Pullman, 1963, chapter 18).  The essential fluidity of life may correspond with the fluidity of the electronic cloud in conjugated molecules.  Such systems may best be considered as both the cradle and the main backbone of life.

Conjugate bonded molecules may interact in a variety of ways.  Among these types of interaction can be found the interpenetration of electron orbitals which permits an electromagnetic coupling.  This coupling can permit activated electron energy to pass from one molecule to another in the same way a radio can transmit a message to a radio receiver.  There is also the possibility of the transfer of an entire electron which is known as charge transfer.

It is possible for a molecular complex to contain several radicals at different positions on the main molecule, each of which are conjugated.  If these are in close enough proximity, or can be brought into proximity by changes in the structural configuration of the molecule, a charge can pass between these two groups.  This is the case of the transfer of electron charges on or around a single molecular complex.  It has been suggested by Szent-Gyorgyi (1968) that the sugars and phosphates that make up the side of the alpha helix of DNA can permit the passage of electrons, functioning as a conductor.

The biological conduction systems operate primarily on an amorphous semiconductor mode as opposed to resembling metallic conductors (such as the new devices being developed for computer memories).  These do not have sharply defined energy bands in which electrons may flow, as opposed to other bands in which they are bound rigidly.  There is a spread or bell-curve in which the points or tails are bound more closely to a particular molecule.  The hump indicates a conducting band that permits electrons to flow across the surface of a particular molecule or between molecules (McGinness, 1972).

This means, in essence, that protein molecules which are composed of amino acid sequences, may act as organic circuits.  The amino acids each have a donor group and an acceptor group on opposing ends.  This means that a string or series of amino acids could pass a charge along as if it were being passed along a series of spines sticking up from the main body of the molecule.

Different pathways could be defined across the surface of a protein molecule by the amino acid radicals projecting out from the surface of the protein.  The shape of the protein molecules is a function of the charges and the conjugate systems on the radicals that make up the protein.  When a protein is manufactured and peels off the ribosome, it immediately assumes a three-dimensional spatial pattern that is directly related to the charges on its surface and the ways in which they interact.

The biological activity or specificity of action of various molecules is intimately related to their structure or their exact three-dimensional spatial configuration.  Electronic energy and electrons can move through a protein molecule between its different parts and can pass among different molecules.  We now come to understand a possible mechanism for biological regulation involving flows of electrons and transfer of electronic energy between molecules.  These can change their shape and thereby change their specific action and activity.  The fusion of electron clouds can exist within a conjugated system and among conjugated systems.  This can account for cohesion or the adherence of such molecules to each other.  Such fusion is a very important determinate of the structure of larger aggregates of molecules and portions of living cells, such as membranes.

Biohologram Field Theory

A liquid crystal in a cell through its own structure becomes a proto-organ for mechanical and electrical activity, and when associated in specialized cells in higher animals gives rise to true organs such as muscles and nerves.  The oriented molecules in liquid crystals furnish an ideal medium for catalytic action, particularly of the complex type needed to account for growth and reproduction.  A liquid crystal has the possibility of its own structure through singular lines, rods and cones, etc.  Such structures belong to the liquid crystal as a unit and not to its molecules which may be replaced by others without destroying them, and they persist in spite of the complete fluidity of the substance (Needham, 1936).

Bernal's statement (1933) would seen to support Burr and Northrop's macro-atomic theory (1935), which postulates that there are two aspects to reality, the field and the particle.  They associate the field with what they term the macroscopic aspect and the electron with the particle.  They associate the field with what they term the macroscopic aspect and the electron with the particle.  The particle is associated with movement.  The structure of biological material seems to be associated with the field aspect.  The electric field causes polarization of the macromolecules in the solution due to the fact that molecules possess a dipole moment, and changes the position of protons in the molecule.  Such action can affect the relative stability of different possible configurations of the macromolecules.  The field affects the degree of structure present in the solution.

A constant magnetic field can, in principle, affect the various processes in biological objects.  Three possible mechanisms for this biomagnetic affect are (1) the orientation of diamagnetic or paramagnetic molecules by the magnetic field (2) distortions of the angles in the molecules and (3) orientation of the spins of molecules in a magnetic field (Fowler and Bernal, 1933; Freedericks and Zolina, 1933; Van Iterson, 1933; Osborne, Ambrose and Stuart, 1970).  Presman (1970) has postulated that such electromagnetic fields normally serve as conveyors of information, from the environment to the organism, within the organism, and among organisms.  He suggests that organisms employ these fields in conjunction with the well known sensory, nervous, and endocrine systems, in effecting coordination and integration.

Muses (1970) has proposed the possibility of unit impulse functions evolving from the Gaussian.  His work traces the relation of that mathematical concept to quantum biological indeterminacy in terms of a process of the modulation of random fluctuations by target-seeking perturbations which points the way to the understanding and computing of the parameters of volitional experience in quantum biological terms.  He maintains that we are dealing with Gaussian wave packets, put to use in terms of a close-range reaction in turn resulting in the resonant microbiological specificity (arising from the relatively large number of specific molecular parameters) necessary to the essential life and evolutional processes of chromosome synapses, replication, and mutagenesis.

Muses holds that inherently indeterminate processes may be biologically used in achieving determinate ones such as our repeatable and commonly accepted volitional experiences of effort and direction.  The range of quantum indeterminate fluctuation of biological efficacy is in the far ultraviolet, and it is in this spectral region that we should expect to look for any modulation effects on Gaussian wave packets by volitional energies manifesting as ultramicrobiological field perturbations.

Biologically, there is a threshold of non-randomicity below which peaks tend to emerge that are sharp enough to possess biodirectiveness in an enzyme-guiding sense.  Random biological quantum energies which are physiologically unassigned are the clue to psychosomatic directing, which can be beneficial or deleterious to the organism.  Muses (1970) describes the mechanism of this effect as a microbiolaser type process.

Heisenberg explored the possible relevance of the quantum indeterminacy of elementary particles for biological systems, especially human systems (discussed in Koestler, 1972).  He stated that there are two places in the human system where the quantum indeterminacy of a single particle can have a profound influence.  The first important effect is that of mutation in the genetic code.  The second important influence is the alteration of the behavior of neurons during human thought processes.

Tien (1969) has conceptualized mind as mass in relative motion and brain as energy at relative electrical charges in motion, like electrons bombarding a television screen, and personality is seen as a time series of scintillating frames of consciousness.  Personality becomes a reverbating input-output pattern of self-creation, seeking information or patterns of energy from the environment as well as from its own memories.  The stability of any given personality of its identity, which is maintained by feedback upon the principle of most similarity.

The personality never recreates itself, but creates only a close approximation which is accepted due to the principle of constancy as being the same.  The phenomena of unique individuality and personal continuity depend on memory, of which consciousness is the most recent and, thereby, the most subject to erasure and loosening.  Personality transformation becomes energy pattern modification of not only scintillating consciousness but also of recent circulating memories and older stored memories of childhood.

According to the holographic model of reality, all the objects we can observe are three-dimensional images formed of standing and moving waves by electromagnetic and nuclear processes.  All the objects of our world are three-dimensional images formed electro-magnetically, i.e., holograms.

This concept and the models of human information processing based on the hologram, throw interesting light on the philosophical tradition which holds that the world of objects is an illusion.  With the triumph of relativity and quantum physics, the interpenetration of the philosophical and the scientific is possible.

LeShan (1969) has observed, in discussing some individuals who purportedly experience psycho-energetic phenomena, that their view of the universe as a great thought of which they are a part is quite similar to many physicists' view that they see reality only in their own mental image.

We propose that the "reality hologram" which appears as a stable world of material objects is the elementary particle which has a long-term existence and fairly simple rules of interaction.  We also propose the existence of a "biohologram" which appears as mobile and evolving, through the DNA molecule.  This "biohologram" projects a dynamic three-dimensional image that serves as a guiding matrix for the manipulation and organization of the "reality hologram." (Miller, Webb, Dickson, 1973).

Thus we have mobile self-organizing holograms moving through a relatively static simpler hologram.  The possibility exists that such "bioholograms" could achieve sufficient coherence to continue existence as a pattern of radiant energy apart from a material substate.  We feel that such an occurrence could form the scientific basis of such psychoenergetic phenomena as psycho-kinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition.

Embryonic Holography

holography can be conceived in different realms of the spectrum.  The whole process of lasers and laser abilities to create images in space in visible light radiation is closely connected to microwave research and a device called a "maser" which broadcasts coherent radiation of microwave frequencies.  It should be possible in theory, with the proper kind of equipment, to capture and broadcast complex three-dimensional wave form structures in space across a whole broad band of the electromagnetic spectrum.  We can call this "broad band holography".

Henceforth in this paper, when we are dealing with the term "holography" we suggest that it means a whole range of processes for capturing wave forms at different frequencies on the spectrum.

Some of the interesting properties of holography have to do with its differences from photography.  In photography, the light from an object is reflected onto a flat surface where it essentially discolors that surface; or rather, the shadow that it casts discolors that surface.  If you cut a photograph in half, you have half of the original picture that you started with.  Holography is quite different.

In a hologram, the pattern of light that is created by the object is recorded at each point of the film.  Each grain contains the whole image.  Each image is slightly different, however, and all of the images are very vague and very fuzzy.

Detail in a photograph is not particularly connected to the size in the sense that a small piece of a photograph will have a lot of detail on a small area of the scene.  A large photograph will have a lot of detail on all of the scene.  In a hologram, each grain has some of the information about the whole scene.  It has some detail about the whole scene.  A large hologram has a lot of details about the whole scene.  So something different happens when you cut a hologram in half:  you get the original picture, but it is less clear because you have lost detail.

A lot of work has been done recently (for over 30 years) on the electromagnetic field phenomena that are associated with the biological processes.  The idea is nothing new, of course.  Farraday did some experimentation with animal electricity, and Galvanni (with his Galvannic cells) did experiments with animals.  It was quite understandable in the growth of science to accept life as being electronic.

However, within the last 50 years, our intense activity in the biological field and the breakthroughs in molecular biology (DNA research, etc.) have tended to obscure some deeper questions as to our understanding the nature of life.  We are reaching the end of the paradigm in which we can afford to ignore the electromagnetic properties of the macro-system and deal with chemistry as if it were taking place in a neutral system.  This new field can be termed "bio-electronic":  a term based on biophysics.

Conventional biophysics seems to be centered around very minute detail of things, such as ion exchanges across cell membranes, etc.  And very, very little contact is made with the idea that the electromagnetic systems may regulate the whole organism, the whole multi-cellular organism, and not merely function at the level of cells.

The regulation of the nervous system is appreciated to be primarily a biochemical phenomena in the sense that it is the exchange or profusion of calcium and potassium across a cell membrane.  And so, what you essentially have, is a ripple effect that travels down the process of the cell, caused by an exchange of ions.  Thus it is a chemical signal.  And the synapse transmits, again, chemical, so that you have another chemical signal, and even though electromagnetics is appreciated in the nervous system, it is seen as an epi-phenomena.  In other words, not really appreciated as being integral or central to the regulation of the system.  However, the theories of regulation of the system are very poor.  And they do no justice to the complexity and subtlety of a living process.

Some of the specific electronic characteristics in the cell could pertain to the presence or absence of various chemicals that either accept or donate electrons.  Electron donation or electron acceptance are connected to the older ideas of acids and bases, of chemical processes called oxidation and reduction.  One must then approach a biological solution, or interior body fluids, on the basis of the electrolytes in solution:  the different ionized and charged particles.  Both kinds exist.  And this is only the beginning.

We must deal with the fields that exist, the potentials and the polarities.  And between the two of them the charged particles in the fields would then begin to generate the flows.  Then we must deal with a process called electrophoresis, which is the movement of small particles by an electrostatic field.  And we could also see the possibility of electrodynamic fields moving the particles in waves.

What we have, essentially, is a solution of charged particles under a very complex control via a complicated electromagnetic field system that moves those solutions around.  But in moving the solutions, the charged distributions inside the organism change and modify the fields.  There is a very complex feedback between flows of particles and electromagnetic fields.

We have an incredibly complex situation compared to a motor in which a simple electromagnetic field system is cut by a simple metallic conductor.  We have an organic system in which there are literally millions - billions - enormous numbers of fields being generated by enormous numbers of particles, being created, changed, switched around, etc.  So we have a possible interaction between the structure of a physical system and the fluid flows within that system, with the heart being one of the most profound of those fluid flows.  The heart could be seen as setting up a basic system of waves of movement that form the basis - the fundamental note - of the organic system.

There are many other interesting bioelectronic characteristics.  One of the most fascinating is the fact that protein-formed structures in the cellular space are based upon the charged distribution across their surface, the charged distribution is  related to the sequence of amino acids in their particular side-chains and determines tendencies to act.  Amino acids have been characterized as being semi-conductor in nature on the basis of one end being an electron acceptor and the other one being an electron donor.  These link up into chains.  And then they have little side-spines, and these side-spines also have their characteristics.

It is possible that charge movement takes place across the surface of a protein.  A line of side-chains stick out of the surface of protein molecule, forming a charge distribution system that acts almost like an electrical conductor.  The electrons could hop along the spines sticking out from the side of the protein molecule and actually flow across the surface as if they were going in a conductor.  We have the possibility of electron conduction across the surface of the protein.

We have any number of interesting prostheses, or special radicals in the sense of molecular substructures, that have a whole host of purposes.  For instance, the heme- of hemoglobin is a very fascinating iron prosthesis.  There is a figure of iron and other atoms arrayed in space; very small compared to the size of the globin molecule to which it is attached, but very effective for acting as a grappling hook for oxygen.

This is also under electronic control.  We have the possibility of the rotation of the different parts of the molecule, if it breaks into several different sections in the sense that they are cohesive units, and those units are chained together.  If those units change through a flow of electrons or through an input of a charge from the chemical space, then the shape could change.  So charge flow and charge distribution on a protein molecule is critical to change in the shape.

There is evidence of special tissue in the back of rats, in fatty pads, that can uncouple the oxidation energy instead of converting to ATP as is the usual process at the level of ribosomes.  The special enzymes convert the oxidation energy directly into infra-red radiation and radiate it out of their bodies.  So it is conceivable that radiation of infra-red takes place as a result of bioelectronic processes on protein.

Another possibility is that of visible light in the various creatures that are able to glow.  This process is carried on by special enzymes. And again, we have the different processes that are electronically keyed and involve electronic radiation.

Microwaves have been detected in the regions of the brain and the heart of men and rabbits as indicated in recent research projects.  We see that a living organic system is a very complex holographic entity.  And by holographic, it is meant that we have seen different things that are done at the molecular level through complex E-M activity and then we have conceived of flows and fields at the organismic level.  Let us speak of the creation of those fields, or rather, the coordination of those fields.

In the nuclei of each cell in the human body, the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) carries the structure of our whole body.  Not just our physical form, but also the processes that that form undergoes in terms of survival.  If all of these things are in truth locked in the DNA, how does that turn into a functioning being?

The DNA could possibly be the holographic projectors.  The DNA could be projecting a field that would be experienced by other DNA in the body.  The DNA, in a sense, could be linked together.  The DNA are also linked to their own cells that they are controlling via mechanisms of RNA transfer and enzymatic action in the cell.  We believe that it is likely that the DNA and the RNA are in communication.

Recent research has shown the possibility that DNA activates the motion of an RNA sphincter or iris mechanism to permit or exclude ion entrance into the cell.  If this is, in fact, true  and if the DNA controls the action of the RNA that goes to the ribosomes and other sites to create specific enzymes in the cell which causes further reaction, it is possible that the enzymes are under the control of the DNA also.

We believe that the DNA is the projector of the biohologram, both at the cellular level and at the whole-organismic level.  This means that the DNA creates a situation of a complex pattern of three-dimensional electromagnetic standing and moving wave fronts in the space that the organism occupies.  We believe that these wave fronts interact with, interpenetrate with, and interdetermine the physical substance that makes up the creature.

The biohologram has characteristic properties of affecting the DNA that occupies its specific position within the biohologram.  We believe that the nervous system constitutes a coordination mechanism that integrates DNA projections of the rest of the cells in the system.  We believe it is first and foremost a coordination mechanism.  And it aligns these cellular holograms and the linkage of the whole creature hologram.

The DNA in a particular cell is not totally active.  It has been determined that there may be as little as 1% of the DNA present in the nucleus of the cell acting as the determinant for the structure of that cell.  The nervous system, interestingly enough, has the highest percentage of operating DNA of any cell system in the body, of up to at least 10% of the DNA in the brain cells.  The neuron nuclei are most active.

We suggest that the nervous system projects a biohologram which interacts with the cellular bioholograms.  If the membrane structureof the neuron nuclei are examined closely, it will be seen that the different cavity systems that enter the outer membrane and also enter the inner membranes, will be seen to topologically be a single membrane.  So the nucleus is lacking a membrane, or the neurons are lacking a membrane in the sense that two of their membranes are topologically one membrane.

We suggest that the neurons are not actually brain cells as such.  We believe that the brain is the cell, and the neurons are like a distributed nucleus for that cell.  That makes the glial cells oranelles in the giant brain-cell.  But they are also cells in their own right, much more so than neurons are.  We believe the glials are infinitely involved with the biohologram, in its projections, and its coordination.

To go further, the biohologram, projected by the brain, creates standing and moving electromagnetic wave patterns at different frequencies of the spectrum in order to effect different biochemical transformations.  There may be specific electrostatic fields, or there may be electrodynamic fields varying at various frequencies all the way up the spectrum into visible light and beyond, from low radio waves.

Another process of holography is called "acoustical holography." Acoustal holography employs sound waves to create a movement on a surface that is used as the basis for creation of an optical hologram.  So we essentially convert between a pattern of sound waves reflected off an object in space into a pattern of light waves that can reconstruct the shape of that object.  We have a transformation between two levels of vibration, two media as it were, preserving a pattern in space.

We suggest that this happens to a much greater degree in the DNA control of our bodies.  The liver, for example, contains special function cells.  The special function of the liver cells is created by the influence of the projection of the liver pattern on the DNA in the cells in the area where the liver is created.  We are suggesting an important feedback mechanism between the activation of the DNA in a particular cellular tissue type that causes it to be that tissue type, and the biohologram being projected by the nervous system.  This is bioholography.


Quantum holography asserts that DNA satisfies the principle of computer construction as defined by Von Neumann (1966).  It carries a copy of itself and is its own blueprint written in the genetic texts where the mechanism engineering the DNA replication is the biophotonic electromagnetic field, while the "letters" of the genetic texts, A, G, C, U are held invariant.  In replication of the organism, the blueprint creates the "acoustic field" which mechanically constructs/engineers the organims our of the available matter, in accordance with the information held in the electromagnetic field holograms.

Both quantum entanglement and therefore quantum teleportation can be related to quantum holography, through solitons, resonance effects, and superconductivity.

Experimental evidence confirms that the mutual recognition of one DNA antiparallel half chain (+) by the other (-) concerns special super persistent/resonant acoustic-electromagnetic waves or solitons. DNA solitons express two types of memory which concern the capability of non-linear systems to remember initial modes of energisation and to periodically repeat them [Dubois, 1992].  The DNA liquid crystals within the chromosome structure form such a non-linear system.  The DNA-continuum is quasi-holographic/fractal and relates, as is the case for any hologram or fractal, to the fundamental property of biosystems, i.e. their ability to restore the whole out of the part.

DNA solitary waves (solitons), and in particular, the nucleotide waves of oscillatory rotation, "read" the genome's sign patterns, so that such sign vibratory dynamics may be considered as one of many genomic, non-linear dynamic semiotic processes.  The key parameter of such patterns is fractality.  It can therefore be hypothesized that the grammar of genetic texts is a special case of the general grammar of all human languages.  We can realize the wave-coding capabilities of the matter-wave sign functions of DNA as true wave control capabilities facilitates in an aqueous solution acting as a liquid-crystal condition.  The living cell is a computer based on DNA.

The genome has been identified as an active "laser-like" environment.  Yet this approach to DNA-wave biocomputation means entering into new semiotic areas of the human genome and the biosphere in general.  These are the areas which are used by Nature to create humankind.  The quasi-speech of chromosomes of all organisms concerns semantic exobiological influences wherein DNA acts as a kind of aerial open to the reception of internal influences and changes within the organism as well as those outside it.  This extends beyond it to the extent of the entire universe through complex fractal embedding and non-locality.

Creation of biocomputers can be based on these totally new principles of DNA-wave biocomputation, which use quantum teleportation [Sudbury, 1997], (see also SciAMer on quantum teleportation).  Experiments show that DNA considered as a liquid-crystal gel-like state, reveals a periodically reoccurring pattern which acts on the incoming light in the manner of a solitonic lattice.  What could such an action achieve?

A soliton is an ultra stable wave train often with a seemingly simple closed shape, which can arise in the context of non-linear wave oscillations.  Really it consists of a rather complexly interrelated assembly of sub wave structures, which keep the whole solotonic process in a stationary state over a comparatively long time.  The soliton is neither a particle nor wave in much the same as a quantum is characterized by wave-particle duality.  It is a means to carry information.  It probably reads the codons, as a travelling "window" that opens in the double helix structure as the reading takes place.  In this model the reading process is a complex mechanical oscillator (Gariaev, 1994), capable of producing solitonic wave transmissions, which take the form of a system of rotary pendulums.

DNA forms such pendulums in this model which are simulated as a chain of non-linear oscillators.  The window as it travels is highly context dependent on the actual layout of the elements as specified by the actual genetic code sequence involved. Complex dynamic patterns arise in the non-linear covalent connections between nucleotides.  Oscillatory activities are located somewhere together in the "acoustic" wave domain.

As a liquid crystal, DNA probably influences the polarization of the weak light emission known to exist in cells, as so-called biophotons.  Such biophotonic, mitogenic radiation or mitogenic light, while being ultraweak, is yet highly coherent.  It has an inherent laser-like quality.  Endogenous intracellular coherent light is emitted by the DNA molecule itself.

The superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells are interacting to form diffraction patterns, first in the "acoustic" domain and then in the electromagnetic domain.  This is a kind of quantum hologram.  Interactions of solitonic oscillations in the liquid crystal structure of DNA and the polarization vector of the ultraweak biophotonic highly coherent light, could be understood as a mechanism of translation between holograms in the "acoustic" frequency domain of short range effects and those in the electromagnetic domain, and vice versa.

Quantum holography has been used to predict the workings of MRI (Schempp, 1992,1998).  The DNA-wave biocomputer model is also in agreement with the qubit model explanation of DNA.

In the quantum holographic DNA-wave biocomputer theory, DNA is a self-calibrating antenna working by phase conjugate adaptive resonance capable of both receiving and transmitting quantum holographic information stored in the form of diffraction patterns -- quantum holograms.  The model describes how during the development of an embryo of the DNA's organism, these holographic patterns carry the essential holographic information necessary for that development.

The quantum holographic theory requires that the DNA consists of two antiparallel (phase conjugate) helices, between which are located hologram planes/holographic gratings, where the necessary 3 spatial dimensional dimensional holographic image data of the organism is stored.  Endogenous laser illumination can be expected to turn the DNA into a series of active adadptive phase conjugate mirrors/holographic transducers.  A beam of radiation resonantly emerges on which is carried the holographic information as encoded in the DNA.  This confirms the quantum holographic prediction that DNA functions as an antenna capable of both encoding and decoding holographic information.

We can also model the quantum holography of the neuron.  This model is in good accord with the biological neuron's information processing morphology and signal dynamics.  This is the the quantum holographic model of the brain as a conscious system.  We can incorporate signal theory into quantum physics through the concept of the pilot wave or radar.

Quantum holography predicts polarized or orthogonally rotated holograms encoded on a "paged" associative holographic memory.  Sharp frequency adaptive coupling conditions specify very narrow spectral windows, i.e. the "pages."  [see Beardon on magick window frequencies, and orthogonal rotation of planes]

Described in terms of tensor multiplication, the orthgonality condition can be seen as specifying a set of diagonal elements, which traces in a unit matrix in the frequency domain.  The planes on which the base pairing takes place concerns two quantum holograms.  The tensor operation, in quantum holography, describes a quantum entanglement.

Murray Gell-Mann describes quantum entanglement in The Quark and the Jaguar (1994).  He first points out that coarse graining can wash out interference terms.  The interference terms between two coarse-grained histories is the sum of all the interference terms between pairs of fine-grained histories belonging to those two coarse-grained ones.  The underlying explanation for decoherence is the mechanism that makes interference terms sum to zero and permits the assignment of probabilities.  It is the entanglement of what is followed in the coarse-grained historiess with what is ignored and summed over.





There is a predominance of non-linear processes in biological systems.  Several types of quasi-particles, each with their own characteristic resonant frequencies have been proposed to mediate these non-linear phenomenon, including solitons, excitons, and plasmons.  The right frequencies of non-linear energies might have profound healing properties, according to Stanford researcher Dr. Glen Rein.  Due to the non-linear nature of biological systems it is proposed that scalar waves should be more biologically active than their linear electromagnetic counterparts.

Scalar energy is transduced into linear electromagnetic energy in the body by liquid crystals in the cell membrane and solid crystals found in the blood and in several biological tissues.  Clinical studies of the effects of scalar energy on the mindbody and brainwaves have been conducted since the 1980s.  If they can be believed, research from Standford University Medical Center produced some tantalizing results.

Electrochemical oscillation between membrane-bound lipids near phase-transition temperature have been analyzed with and described by nonlinear quantum mechanical equations.  They also analyzed the coupling between harmonic oscillators represented by action potentials generated from active neuronal networks in the central nervous system, finding evidence of chaos.  The extraction of scalar components from Maxwell's original electromagnetic equations and from Schrodinger's equation using imaginary numbers has been reported, and their unusual non-linear waves described by many experimenters.

A Crystalline Transduction Theory has been put forth to explain the interactive mechanism of scalar waves with biological systems.  Another possibility is transduction in microtubles dispersed throughout the whole organism.  Tissue culture studies imply that the action of scalars on biological systems is more than a placebo effect mediated by the brain/mind, such as stress, moods or beliefs.   Stray EM energy in the ambient atmosphere makess it difficult to study the healing properties of scalar energies in a clinical setting.

Clinical healing sometime occured several months after initial exposure to the scalar waves.  It is known that the brain and body, each the immune system, communicate bidirectionally.  Thus, a direct action of scalar energy on the body could cause a subsequent change in brain state.  Therefore EEG studies do not indicate whether scalar energy also effects the body directly or whether the brain and the body are both affected.  Even if scalar energy directly affects individual cells, it may also affect the mind resulting in an altered psychological outlook which results in clinical improvement.

Dr. Michael Persinger was the first person to test the effects of scalar energy using isolated cells.  The scalar waves were generated by partially canceling two vortex-type magnetic fields (0.SHz, 10pT) by intersecting them in the air.  The biological endpoint, degranulation of mast cells, was increased by the scalar fields.  Dr. Puharich, in another study, grew tissue samples of E. Coli, and detected an increased activity of ubiquitone, a protein involved in DNA repair.  These results indicate that scalar energy can have a direct effect at the subcellular level as well as a direct effect on the immune system.

Another project detected an effect of scalar energy on neurotransmitter function, which mimiced the effect of antidepressant medication.  Scalars appear to modulate the basic biochemical communication between nerve cells mediated by neurotransmitters.  Cultured nerve cells called PC 12 cells were isolated from rats, and the functional properties of noradrenaline release from PC 12 cells was shown to be increased by a 500Hz monopolar square wave, and noradrenaline uptake was inhibited by a 15Hz biopolar square wave, (Rein).

Noradrenaline uptake was chosen because it is directly mediated by the plasma membrane via an intramembrane protein carrier.  The plasma membrane, with its liquid-crystal structure, is the critical cellular barrier which interfaces with the chemical and electromagnetic environment.  Since other intramembrane proteins show non-linear properties, the plasma membrane is a likely target for scalar energy.

The physiological function of carrier mediated neurotransmitter uptake is to remove excess neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft after its release from presynaptic nerves.  Thus, inhibiting uptake results in the accumulation of the neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft.  This is the mechanism of action of tricyclic antidepressants, since they inhibit noradrenaline uptake.

Depression is associated with decreased noradrenaline levels.  Rein exposed confluent monolayer culture of PC12 cells to noradrenaline in the presence or absence of scalar energy.  After 30 minutes, the cells were washed and centrifuged  and noradrenaline uptake measured.  Overall, uptake was inhibited by 19.5% in the presence of the scalar field as compared with the control value obtained in its absence.  This is a significant statistical difference of  p 0.01.

Researchers think a wide variety of physiological changes could be created resulting in improvement of a variety of clinical diseases, only one of which could be depression.  Scalar energy can have a direct effect on the cell membrane.  Researchers want to test whether diseased cells are preferentially sensitive to scalar energy; and what characterizes its mechanisms of action.


A photon is the basic action quantum.  It may be considered as an oscillation in and out of time.  It may also be considered as a virtual pattern of positron/electron pairs.  It is a piece of electromagnetic radiation when it interacts as a particle.

One half of the photon exists in and carries positive time (negative charge), and the other half exists in and carries negative time (positive charge).  Thus, one half is "normal" and the other half is "time-reversed" (phase conjugated).

The photon may be considered as one cycle of an electromagnetic wave.  The photon is the basic carrier of time.  It consists of a piece of energy welded to a piece of time, with no seam in the middle.  The passage of "time" thus moves at the speed of light, its carrier.  When its magnitude diminishes below the quantum threshold, a photon becomes a virtual photon, whose emission and absorption cause charge on an electron.

Photon interaction is the absorption and emission of photons by particles or objects.  The macroscopic world is created by this interaction, which is the basic quantum change interaction.

Scalar waves are emitted and absorbed by the nuclei of atoms, passing right through the electron shells without interaction.  When we introduce additional scalar interactions beyond the ambient background, the nuclei change appreciably, though this level of physical reality may be far from stable.

This is the higher reality, and it is sensed by the scalar electromagnetic functioning of our nervous system.  Unfortunately, this system outputs only to the deep unconscious, since it is highly multiocular.  Thus our conscious mind, being monocular, does not perceive the most fundamental reality in which we exist.

"Time" is the special dimension in which multiple objects can exist simultaneously in the same interval.  Time is multiocular and space is monocular.  Our conscious mind is fitted to the monocular photon interaction.  Being monocular, our conscious mind cannot be aware of time directly.  For that reason we do not "see" time consciously.  We do "see" it, however, unconsciously.

The true meaning of being "lost" is to be separated from the consciousness of the All, which is separation of our conscious, gross sensing from our finer, more subtle, and infinitely richer--and unconscious--scalar sensing of ultimate reality.  Because the effect of photon emission is "carrying away time," it forms a filter between our senses and fundamental reality.

This time-differentiation of fundamental reality, eliminates our ability to detect those things which occupy time but not normal 3-dimensional space--such as mind, thought, etc.  Almost all our thoughts, concepts, words, and ideas are fitted to this partial reality--and this is the universal human problem and delusion.  Einstein alleged that our language demands Cartesian coordinates, and thus limits our thinking.

We see a spatial universe of separated spatial objects, while in actuality we exist in an undifferentiated single wholeness.  The mindworld and the physical world (mind and matter) have in common the same time dimension.  Dynamic movements in each result in small crosstalk being projected into the other world, a crosstalk so small as to be virtual and normally unmeasurable.

The photon interaction invokes a time-differentiating operation, stripping away or suppressing the time dimension, resulting in a spatial reality or objective reality being perceived or observed.  In the process it separates mind and body by destroying the only common connection or channel.

The photon interaction is the agent that creates objectivity itself.  The photon interaction separates spacetime into space and time exclusively.  An object, being something which occupies space, is thus timeless.

Objects do not exist in time, because the union of an object with time constitutes spacetime, which cannot be perceived, detected, or observed.  Only changes in (derivations of) spacetime can be perceived, detected, or observed, but not spacetime itself.  That with which light has not interacted is not objective.

The concept of mass is not a function of time, but only a function of space.  It is thus three-dimensional.  The photon is also three-dimensional, but one of its dimensions is the time dimension.  When the photon strikes the mass and is absorbed, one portion is turned into mass by orthorotating one turn.

Its compound nucleus of spacetime is not perceivable.  When a photon is re-emitted, it may or may not be of the same frequency and energy as the previously absorbed photon, depending on the absence or presence of any other perturbations.  A small bit of spatial mass is orthorotated which turns the bit of mass into a small piece of energy.  In the rotation a small piece of time is bitten off and yields a quantum of action, which now constitutes a photon.  Photon emission thus strips away the time dimension, leaving a spatial object.


The spacetime compound nucleus has now once again been separated into spatial and time components.  Time is moving with the photon.  And that is why time moves or flows at c, the speed of light in a vacuum.  Time is carried only by the photon and photon interaction with an object produces that object's march through time.

We perceive stability within change because we cannot detect, perceive, or observe the compound nucleus of spacetime in the middle.  Thus we experience change as a thing becoming something else, but still being the same thing.

Action, according to physics, is the fundamental constituent of physical reality.  In metaphysics, action is the agent of karma, producing natural consequences.  Action is non-observable; only changes in action are observed, and then only partially.  The photon is the basic quantum of action, uniting energy and time.

All physical things are composed of rates of changes in action.  These action changes are totally internal to the mass itself.  Therefore, literally, the physical universe exists inside each and every part of itself, and is a giant hologram.

An ordinary photon has a certain size that is quite fixed, and it is made of the substance "action" which is totally nonperceivable and nonobservable.  Only changes in action are perceivable, observable, or detectable, never fundamental action itself.

So physics already prescribes a universe made out of action, and that universe has no length, no time, no energy, no space, no concrete existence.  Yet from it can be taken--by differentiation (which is simply separation)--any length, any time, any energy.  However, only a single quantum at a time changes or is separated.  Quanta do not superpose.

At its most fundamental level, the entire universe is continually being created and then destroyed in sequence.  The continual creation of a tiny piece of time and then the destruction of the piece of time makes us experience reality or change as if we were a pointer moving along a time line.

We cannot see time because it is continually being destroyed by the change process, the very process of physical detection or observation itself.  This is similar to the annihilation of a photon when it hits the retina and becomes absorbed.

Now, if we invoke another kind of change, a virtual change, such that its size is always smaller than the actual quantum's size, then this kind of change cannot be detected, even theoretically.  The concept of a virtual change is one such that the quantity of action that was changed was deliberately made smaller than the size required to throw the switch of detectable or observable change.  It is an infinitesimally small perturbation.

Individually, virtual photons cannot breach the threshold of quantum change, and so cannot be observed or detected.  But in concert, they do breach the threshold.  The totally unobservable, undetectable virtual photons being emitted and absorbed are conceived as creating the electric field at the same time as observable physical change (ordinary quantum change) occurs.

The electric field, of course, can cause or induce change of sufficient magnitude to breach the quantum threshold and result in observable change.  The bottom line is this: the virtual state can be collated and collected to sufficient magnitude to breach the quantum threshold and induce ordinary observable physical change.  The electromagnetic field already does precisely this!

Mitogenic Photons & Mitogenic Radiation

Kaznachcheyev effect refers to the ability of near-ultraviolet mitogenetic photons to carry any kind of death pattern from one cell culture to another of similar kind, in the absence of visible light and with synchronized conditions.  The Soviet scientist experimentally demonstated the effect.  In his experiments, two samples of the samme cell culture were enironmentally sepated by a thin window.  The entire arrangement was placed in the dark and rotated at some 20 rotations per minute.  The cells on one side were then killed by any particular mechanism--ionizing radiation, chemicals toxins, deadly bacteria, germs, etc.  If the window was made of orginary glass (opaque to ultraviolet),, the second sample remained healthy.  If the window was made of thin quartz (transparent to ultrviolet), then after a time delay the second sample began dying with the same symptoms as the first.
Later testing the meission of mitogenetic, laser-like photons in the near ultraviolet from the dying cells in the first culture.  When these mitogenetic photons are allowed to bombard the second culture, the same lethality pattern is induced in it.  The explanation is that the photons carry virtual state (scalar) patterns (infolded patterns in their time components), and these virtual patterns are diffused into the receiving culture, where eventually they diffuse into a lethal pattern in the virtual state (scalar) matter control system (discovered by F. A. Popp) of the targeted cells.
Continued charge-up of this pattern kindles the pattern into a physical, observable structure in the cells, reproducing the death or disease pattern.  Phase conjugating the "death photons" turns them into healing photons for that specific cellular damage or disease condition.  Irradiation of the affected cells with these healing photons allegedly reverses the disease, returning cells to normal.
Mitogenetic radiation is laser-like coherent photons, emitted by cells in the near ultraviolet.  Of particular importance are the photon emitted by a cell immediately after  complete fertilization, and the photon emitted as the cell dies.  The first mitogenetic photon signfies the kindled connection of the cell's small mind-world and establishing of the consciousness or life loop.  The photon at cellular fertilization is a joyous song of birth, and the photon at cellular death is a deathsong of the cell.  In addition, the birth photon carries the full mindworld pattern nested inside it in the virtual (scalar) state, and the death photon carries the full pattern of the cell's experiences and death nested in it in the scalar or virtual state. (Beardon, 1988).

Phase Conjugation

Phase conjugation is a nonlinear wave process whereby a nonlinear crystal, material, or medium creates a nonlinear  polarization for  an incoming monochromatic wave generated at the incident frequency by w-w-w = -w.  The nonlinear polarization radiates a time-reversed replica of the incoming waveform.  The time-reversed waveform has an amplitude proportional to the complex conjugate of the incoming wave amplitude.  Though primarily known as nonlinear optics, the time-reversed wave is a solution to the wave equation, and so the phenomenon is universal to all kinds of waves.  A nonlinear medium acts as a modulator.  Two waves thus "lock together" as a single scalar EM wave. (Beardon, 1988).
The scalar wave passes through the electron shells of the atoms of the nonlinear medium, penetrating the positively charged  atomic nuclei.  In a nucleus, each incident scalar photon is absorbed, increasing the potential of the nucleus to an excited state.  The decay of this excited state from the positively-charged nucleus causes the emission of a time-reversed (TR) photon carrying negative energy.  The "emitted shower" of those TR photons constitutes a TR wave.  Thus from the nonlinear material there is emitted a time-reversed wave.  This TR wave "backtracks" through space along the invisible path taken by the original incoming wave.
Since the phase conjugate wave is time-reversed, it concentrates along its back path, rather than diverging.  Consequently all its energy arrives at the distant location of the source of the original stimulus wave.  The nonlinear medium producing the TR wave effect in response to a stimulus wave is referred to as a phase conjugate mirror.  If two monochromatic EM waves are fed into the nonlinear medium in antiparallel manner, so that the waves are everywhere out of phase, they modulate each other, forming a much more powerful scalar EM wave.
This wave then "pumps" each nuclear potential to a much higher excited state.  Thus when this potential decays, a much more powerful TR wave is emitted, containing up to all the energy put into the scalar "pump" wave.  Note that the excited nuclei do not decay (the excited potential does not decay) until an incoming stimulus wave is received -- then a powerful TR wave is emitted from the phase conjugate mirror (PCM).  This process is refered to as "four wave mixing."  Thus a pumped PCM acts as a signal on the grid.

Scalar Resonance

In the simplest case, scalar resonance be imagined as two ordinary single-frequency EM standing waves in a resonant cavity, with the two waves coupled exactly 180 degrees out of phase so that--ecternally--their E fields sum to zero and the cacity is said to be in scalar resonance.  The cavity walls must act as phase conjugate mirrors (PCMs).
Mass itself is simply a standing scalar resonance, with the standing wave tapped by particle spin.  The atomic nucleus continually bombarded by virtual photon flux from the vacuum, is a pumped PCM.  Since the nucleus is positively charged, it produces Phase Conjugate Replicators (PCRs), having negative energy and negative time.  It thus produces negentropy, which prevents the entropic decay of the atom.  Essentially all frequencies can be and are present at once, but certain nuclear resonance frequencies are thought to predominate.  By increasing the amplitude of the standing scalar wave that is the nuclear pseudopotential, inertia and mass of the nucleus are increased.  Zeroing the amplitude dematerializes the nucleus.

Magic Windows

Magic windows are a naturally tuned frequency of a good hyperchannel between orthogonal frames where scalar wave anenergies crosstalk readily.  They are frequency dependent, and are also referred to as hyperchannels or interdimensional nodal points.  Some magic windows are 38-40 kHz; 150-160kHz; 1.1-1.3 MHz; 1.057 (the Lamb shift) and in the near ultraviolet (the life energy frequency).
Add more on 40 Hz from Spiritual Quotient[???]

Quantum Chaos

{condense from Chris King}

{Add on CNV here?}

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